Stuck On You

So a long sticky tale to tell.  Stick with me 😂

Heat Transfer Vinyl (HTV). I got it, I can work with it, I'm happy to use it, absolutely no issues(so far). 

Today I thought I'd have a go at the other kinda vinyl vinyl.  I had a couple of glass bottles I'd been saving for a rainy day and some acrylic circle thingamabobs I found in the bottom of the Christmas box.

Step 1 - design. Seems simple enough.  Job done.

Step 2 - cut ( didn't realise there was 3 layers; carrier sheet, actual vinyl then a random top coating!)

Step 2 again - cut.  No problem, job done. 

Step 3 - weed.  Houston we have a problem.  Cut right through vinyl and carrier sheet.  Managed to weed but cutting mat was super stuck to the carrier sheet.  1 hour of scraping later.  However I do find weeding extremely therapeutic.  Am I the only one?

Step 4 - transfer tape.  The tape of the devil.  Stuck to everything everywhere and everyone!!!  Dropped it on the super sticky cutting mat.  Brute force to tear them apart.  Like 2 teenagers at a school disco!  Got there in the end.  

Step 5 - layout.  This bit seemed much easier than expected.  

Step 6 - so proud of my creations.  Forgot to take photos.  That's a tomorrow kinda job job.

I will not be defeated I will adorn every empty glass jar on the East coast until perfection.  I am a Virgo after all 😉



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